The available credit card options are listed above. The credit card companies listed above are the most commonly used credit cards on this website. Do not worry if your credit card company is not listed, we encourage you to go ahead and make the purchase.
Please note that FNIRSI does not collect your credit/debit card number or personal information when you make a payment. For questions regarding your transactions on our site, please consult your card-issuing bank for information.
Shop Pay is an accelerated checkout option designed to enhance your shopping experience with speed and convenience. It offers 4 interest-free payments or monthly installments to suit your needs. Shop Pay securely stores your email, credit card, and shipping information, so you don't have to re-enter it each time you check out. Enjoy a seamless and efficient shopping experience with Shop Pay, making your purchases faster and more convenient.
Customer can use PayPal balance, credit cards, debit cards to pay for their order(s), with or without PayPal accounts. When paying without PayPal accounts, click "Pay with Debit or Credit Card" button when checking out.
You can apply coupons to your order at checkout. Once you've entered your coupon code, click "apply" and the discount will automatically adjust your order total. Please note that if you do not click "apply" before continue checkout, your order total will not reflect coupon.
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